6 and under $135
8 and under $145
10 and under $155
13 and under $165
Registration will close at 11pm on 2/8/25.
A $25 late fee will be added for late registrations
Girls will be placed on teams based on:
-Team they played for last year
-Coach and Parent Input
-Date of registration
-New Players to the league will be placed on teams based on open spots and experience.
Creating an account for the first time: At the right of this page, click Register. Then click Register or Log in on the site that appears. Now you need to set up an account as a " New Customer Primary Account." Once you enter your information, click "Create
New Account." You will need to create participate records for each player you are registering. These entries remain on the site for future registrations. Proceed to How to Register Information Below
How to Log Into an Existing Account: At the right of this page, click Register. Then, click Register or Log in on the site that appears. If you have created an account on this website before, enter your username and password on the left side of the screen under Returning Customer Log in. If you forgot your password and need to reset it, there is a link to do that. If you are still having trouble, you can email us at crievehallgirlssoftball@gmail.com. If you previously created a participant record, please go in an edit any information that has changed.
How to Register: When you log onto your account, you will see a screen that states, "My Account" and list your participant(s). To start the registration process, you would click the red Register Now box. You will see a red box for each player. Please know you can register multiple players are one time and select multiple programs. Just click one of the boxes and the next screen will show all your players and their divisions. ( The division defaults to their correct age division, if a player is wanting to play in another division, please contact the commissioner at crievehallgirlssoftball@gmail.com for approval).